What do you want out of life?
What will make you happy?
Are YOU going to achieve your desires in 2011?
A weakness of mankind is that we have always been concerned with what is impossible.
We limit ourselves by thinking we know what we cannot achieve and what will not work.
A person’s thoughts can be very powerful things when they are backed up by a burning desire to succeed and the determination to persist to achieve and gain riches along with success.
It is important to remember; the answers may well lie in your own minds as an idea or plan that relates to your life situation.
If you ask 100 people what they want out of their life, 93 of them will recite a list of things that they don’t want.
Even when pushed for an answer, these people will not be able to tell you exactly what it is they want
other than vague wishes like; I want to be rich and or famous; I want to be part of a happy family.
The thirteen steps outlined by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich were written in a way that ignores impossibilities.
Success is easier if you concentrate on what is possible.
Being conscious of success rather than failure will mean you will have more success and less failure.
The remaining three people from your 100 sample will know exactly where they are going and what they want out of life; (even if they won’t tell you!)
These are the Richard Branson’s; Arnold Schwarzenegger’s and Donald Trump’s of this world.
Millions have been made from understanding what makes success.
The most important principle is desire.
Knowing what one wants is essential if one is to be successful.
There is nothing to say that you could not do what any successful person did.
Being able to tap into your own burning desire will enable you to be as triumphant as anyone.
We are in control of our own desire and our own souls.
The thirteen principles of Think and Grow Rich hold the secrets that will help you achieve your potential and satisfy that desire.
For your own free copy of Napoleon Hill’s masterpiece, Think and Grow Rich
follow the instructions in this website http://NapoleonHillThinkAndGrowRich.net